Sunday, January 17, 2010

Plastic Kitchen Bins Is The Supermarket Plastic Bag Malarky Getting A Bit Daft ?

Is the supermarket plastic bag malarky getting a bit daft ? - plastic kitchen bins

Hi Folks,

I support the reduction of waste, plastics, etc., but things, as a mere PR exercise in the supermarkets were a bit ridiculous.

OK, I use my personal "fair trade cotton bags biodegradable. They are better for your company to take anyway.


My local Co-op have adopted a policy to hide the plastic bags at the hotel. Oh, you can as many as you want, just ask.
It makes no sense.
In addition, this morning when I realized that people will be issued with new bags and white plastic with "Merry Christmas" on them.
I laughed.

I guess that's to get to do free of the shares in shame now.

Another thing that I do not understand is that you can buy cotton "great shopping.
Fill any of the above, and you have a forklift to move the car.

I am sure that the manufacturer of plastic boxes from the kitchen in line happy, because as I should have recycled paper bags.

Is it hype?



Marcus said...

It is a PR exercise, cotton bags instead of buying plastic bags for gifts with purchase sale.

They have cut their costs and reduce profits.

And the re-use my plastic bags for garbage, but I am so grateful when a love thinks of me and put a garbage bag size through my door.

pirate_p... said...

You do not have the plastic soup "floating one between Japan and Hawaii, then? 3 times the size of North America!

And I have not seen a duck choking after eating?

We must at least properly dispose of.

I always reuse, recycling or use a cloth bag.

probably... said...

I'm surprised you can even get free plastic bags in Britain. In most countries, they had to buy for years, what makes you think twice before you take the place of a wagon or a cloth bag.
The good news is that rising oil prices. Guess that will be made of plastic bags?

Pleasant Peter Perkins said...

Oh my God, the hype !!!!!!!!

I am looking for a biodegradable, smoke-free, vitamin packed, non-toxic, cooling the planet moves into the recycling line to buy my weekly series of Special Brew.

I do not want ********! Organic *******

iluvcroi... said...

Yes - bags landfilled, where they are collected in bags and destroyed by China in large quantities or recycled, they pollute calls about the things for Al Gore a garbage bag

Fireball said...

thats .... I have a great deal that I if I Aldis cuz they go free for bags ... Bags with Food Lion to get it back for lunch and dont waste lost use of ...

superver... said...

It is a trick to save money. The fee for plastic bags in Europe.

superver... said...

It is a trick to save money. The fee for plastic bags in Europe.

B0uncing... said...

Well, I think the use of plastic bags is a small step in the right direction, but not both. What bothers me most is that they ask everyone to do so, and that continues to save the environment if (and other Great), poaching and to ignore completely the idea of recycling.
It `s like someone who tries to save a few cents to someone else wnen lose hundreds of pounds.
...................................... ...
I've said for a long time, now that it is mainly the "rich" who are the largest consumers of the planet's resources ... have more money than `ll launch last year` s 3 triple, if doesn `t match this year's wallpaper!

These people can afford to keep heating all the time, fulfill their Carboot with heaps of shops to go into operation instead of gas guzzling cars, half a mile or a vacation abroad and year.
If this sounds like jealousy, believe me, it is not. I think that's what happens - ' `s not what I do, that` s what I say, `!

bagpuss said...

Your local cooperative has done the same, and when they occur, are low. So I have a loaf of bread.

They dont seem to realize that someone is the smallest used for a weekly workshops, a lot more to lose.

I also bought many, many reusable bags. It's just a shame that I forget.

After two years, and is not likely to send to everyone. Just think of the money to save them, the 1000 Euro per month s offer by these companies to bags. This is the main driving force for jumping on this train. This is not the environment.

Joe F said...

Yup! ... Daft is !.... Nice Now I understand, I do not believe, believe in the following .. I think they should in some ..... be recycled, of course, but each time it surfaces panic envior I still remember the video shown on TV if they're all environmentalists Whack $ lenth big to rescue a stranded seal or something "(as if worthy of 20K or something ... then when the crescendo of success and the sea, when suddenly (a giant whale or something) for the food sucked! were so crushed ... .. and I laugh a lot! characterized this long Goofy fans will redefine the "stupid "As you say, Peace !...........!

Randall E said...

Yes, it's rubbish. Because some people to impose their lifestyle on others.

It is only for the show - most people who use recycled plastic bags in them.

Why did not I bought a bag of plastic waste after five years.

I agree, companies jump on the train "green", because it saves them money - things are not cheap, given the rising price of oil. Restaurants do the same with paper towels and glasses of water to drink. They are not "saving trees" are recovering costs - compared to water, they get to ask for another soda.

It's like eating a diet - a little food at lower prices.

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