Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Make Your Own Pontoon What Is The Meaning Of RVR Model Of Pontoon Boat?

What is the meaning of RVR model of pontoon boat? - make your own pontoon

I have to say a 24-foot pontoon boat and RVR in the title as a brand and model. What this means, even in the .. AL


meangirl said...

From RVR

From RVR
(RVR) is a term used in aviation weather used to the distance that the pilot can see an airplane on the centerline of the runway, the brands defining the runway surface of the runway or identifying its axis . Is usually expressed in feet or meters.
It is used as one of the most important criteria for a minimum of instrument approaches, such as, in most cases, the driver must have a visual indication of the runway to land a plane. RVR maximum reading is 2000 meters or 6500 meters above is not significant and therefore need not be declared. RVR in METAR made available and transmitted by the controllers of the air liaison officer levels to assess pilots, whether it is safe and legal certainty to make a rapprochement.
RVR was initially measured by one person, whether the runway lights at the top of a vehicle on the runway threshold or the runway lights at an angle of a turn of a parked page to see the start - runway. The number of visible light can be converted into a distanceTo give the EC, the RVR. This method is known as the human observer and may still be used as a retreat.
Today, most airports are using the instrumented runway visual range or IRVR, as measured by transmissometer equipment as that on the one side of the track are installed relatively close to the border. Normally, three will be made available, a one at each end of the runway and the center.
could serve to aluminum?
not sure if there is a link with the boat lol

stewpid said...

not a "recreational vehicle recreation? for what is and what is it used?" I'm sure the league for aluminum.

pontoone... said...

Call for the production of his boat. They are generally very helpful.

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