Friday, January 29, 2010

Green Green Ova 13 Please Answer Me Quick Coz I Really Want To Know..☺?

Please answer me quick coz i really want to know..☺? - green green ova 13

Hello .. ☺
"I want to know is ...
Where can I see and Green Green OVA episode 13 .. ☺ I see you know .. ☺
Thanks for the help!
if theres who has seen, and let me know what happens .. can be a spoiler? hehe. Would you please send me? I am so excited to see .. But I'm a girl .. ☺ Thanks again!
PLEASE answer correctly, and you have ALREDDAY you send it to me, if you downloaded? Pleasse>> ☺

1 comment:

xXHeartB... said...

In Unfortunately I can not help U, but just to let u know ur ViewDo quewstion lolz lolz i hope u get better awnser

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