Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pancake Subs If You Could Pick Any Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner What Would It Be?

If you could pick any breakfast, lunch and dinner what would it be? - pancake subs

I would be pancakes with chocolate chips for breakfast, a sandwich hugeee select sub for lunch and lobster for dinner!

6 comments: said...

For breakfast we ate eggs and bacon and toast with milk Chocalate
For lunch I eat a sub with fries
For dinner I had chicken and mashed potato, corn, and Sprite

pikachuu said...

Hashbrowns type shit reall not McDonald's fries Sunnyside eggs and ham for breakfast

French fries and chicken strips


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King Leonidas said...

Pancakes Bluberry
a good deli sandwich
a big steak with potatoes and corn on the cob!

Laura - I ♥ Horses!! said...

I would be bacon and toast 4 breakfast, either fast food or a sandwich with peanut butter and jelly and chips for lunch and spagetii or tacos for dinner

cass said...

Small whole-grain pancakes with syrup, apricots and bacon

Lunch salad and sour soup, dim sum and fruit

Stuffed crab claw dinner cocktail, conch soup, baked snapper with nuts and wild rice, and crème brûlée

askawow 47 said...

= Breakfast Japanese (miso soup, rice, grilled fish)
= Italian lunch (pasta and salads)
= African dinner (soup with meat and spicy sweet potato)

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