Monday, December 7, 2009

Ball Foot Pain More Condition_symptoms Small Toe And Ball Of Foot Pain. What Can I Take To Stop He Pain.?

Small toe and ball of foot pain. What can I take to stop he pain.? - ball foot pain more condition_symptoms

I have a patch of opium in his leg pain for some painkillers, but doesn.t the else.I Alland has no analgesic effect on pain is unbearable. It is a burning sensation in the feet and small ball was Toel've and the doctors say there are no word, but the pain remains.


Kacky said...

Ask an osteopath (bone doctor) should have the pain of the foot rail. He had swelling on the ball of the foot that forced the fingers off the track and felt like needles stuck in my toes all the time. He taught me a toe band and made all the other online. That, and shoes with hard soles to eliminate pain, about 2 weeks.

Lori C said...

They do not say that for what he was wearing the patch. If you are in the vicinity of the nerve that carries messages to the toes and feet, which could be related pain.

But your question, you tried ice? Try not 10 minutes with a bag of ice and 10 minutes. When I sore feet, use of ice, and that usually helps.

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